40 years of Good Works: Client Spotlight on Dyad Enterprise


Dyad Enterprise is a business success story emerging from the pandemic. Looking for a way to help people impacted by the shutdown get back to work, business partners Mark Bartosh, Dan Gerrity and David Brumbaugh started a company that provides a full solution offering in customized kitting and fulfillment. With a large order of Covid-19 test collection kits to fill, they hired dozens of workers, but quickly realized they needed additional help. In stepped Baker Industries. Baker provides Dyad with additional capacity for assembling and storing supplies and kits. Over the past ten months, our program participants have produced hundreds of thousands of kits, helping Dyad fulfill their commitment and assisting in the effort to overcome the Covid-19 crisis. According to David, “Baker Industries has been a fantastic partner for us! They have provided quality services and value since the beginning of our relationship. Highly communicative, very flexible, and responsible for meeting our ever-changing environment. We are a proud partner of Bakers Industries!”